Learning looks different for every learner, and for most, moving from 1:1 schooling to a typical public classroom is a challenging gap to bridge. We are now introducing our 3:1 alternative homeschool option! This option is similar to our 1:1 homeschool program but caters to those who thrive in an alternative space and require more support. Our 3:1 program allows your learner to focus on academics while prioritizing regulation, self-advocacy, and communication skills. This program runs from Monday to Friday, 9 am - 2 pm, providing learners with a typical academic schedule, while the higher ratio reduces the out-of-pocket costs for families. This program is designed for learners who possess the skills to function in a small group, such as following a group plan, adhering to directions, tolerating peers, and being able to engage in some academics at a table.
Traditional ABA programming will not be run with students enrolled, as the main focus will be academics in an inclusive, smaller ratio. However, we aim to provide tools such as visuals, communication boards, environmental modifications, and learning accommodations to better support our learners. Each learner will also have support in times of escalation while prioritizing the same holistic values maintained throughout all programming at Vista Academy.
Join us on the journey of discovering and unlocking your child's true learning potential. We’d love to show you what meaningful education looks like at Vista Academy.
Kindergarten Program
Teaching the classroom's unspoken rules, our Kindergarten program is specifically designed to support new learners and bridge the gap between early intervention and public school. Vista Academy understands that early learners often require more time to develop the prerequisite skills necessary to succeed at school. Our comprehensive kindergarten program is implemented in an ideal learning environment that provides maximum student support and individualized learning.
Grade's 1 - 12
Does your child need more support? Vista Academy has center-based homeschooling options for students of all ages. We work in partnership with teachers from the distributed learning (online) school of your choice to provide an in-center customized learning experience tailored to your student. Every learning profile includes an Individual Education Plan (IEP) following Ministry of Education guidelines and access to full-time ABA therapy. You won't believe the difference one year in our program can make for your child.
Join us on the journey of discovering and unlocking your child's true learning potential. We’d love to show you what meaningful education looks like at Vista Academy.