Incorporation Number: 757002696RR0001   |   Society Number: S0065862

All donations over $25 in value will receive a charitable tax receipt, with 100% of funds going directly to Vista Academy and our students. 


Partnerships are a great way to help us bring an inclusive, holistic and neurodiversity-affirming education to the Autistic and Special Needs kids in your community. Education is a right and all children deserve access to a learning environment that aims empower each child's individuality and their unique learning needs. Vista welcomes all companies and brands to inquire about creating a case-related program with Vista Academy as the beneficiary. 

Please use the proposal form below to describe the intended campaign. Proposals are reviewed regularly by the Senior Directors to determine compatibility and best fit with Vista Academy.

Ways to Partner:

  • Donate products
  • Host a field-trip
  • Organize an event and raise funds to support Vista
  • Fundraisers (in-person or online)
  • BBQ's
  • Marathons
  • Events & parties
  • Sponsor an event
  • Joint venture
  • Partnered Products
  • % of proceeds sold from a specific product is donated to Vista Academy
  • Create a Vista line of items where a % from all items within that line are donated to Vista Academy

Anyway you decide to give has an impact and your generosity is what makes all the difference. Join us on the journey of making meaningful education accessible to every student!

Interested in being a partner or a sponsor?

Submit the form below to get started!

Partnership Inquiry Form


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