At Vista Academy we understand finding and navigating the web for local support, resources, networks and funding sources can be daunting and hard to find energy for. Keeping this in mind we have compiled various resources for you to browse through and help on your journey to finding the right care and support for your learner. Click any of the following links below to start or aid in your search!


AIDE Canada - programs map and education resources

Autism & Intellectual Disability (AID) Search (Autism Community Training) - online search portal for families and practitioners

Autism BC - education, events, resources and connection-making

Autism Information Services British Columbia (AIS BC) - diagnosis, funding, community resources and support

Autism Okanagan - local programs and events and community-building

Autism Support Network BC - resources, events, therapy, education and connection-making

North Okanagan Youth and Family Services Society - youth and family services, indigenous services, school outreach, home service, groups

Pacific Autism Family Network - resources, education, treatment and more


ABA Visualized - visual resources, trainings, books and more

Autism Quick Start Guide Ages 0-5 (BC Ministry of Children and Family Development)

Autism Quick Start Guide Ages 6-12 (BC Ministry of Children and Family Development)

Autism Quick Start Guide Ages 13-18 (BC Ministry of Children and Family Development)

Autism Parent Handbook (BC Ministry of Children and Family Development)

Crisis Prevention Institute - de-escalation tips

Unfurling Littles - free resources for parents and caregivers


 occupational therapy, speech therapy, kinesiology and rehab - Meridian Rehabilitation

assessments, occupational therapy, kinesiology, speech therapy, in-person and online options - Therapy 4 Kids Okanagan

physical therapy, occupational therapy, aquatic therapy, assessments - Kelowna Smile Therapy for Kids

occupational therapy, in-person and online options - Kids Creative Therapy

behavioural therapy for children with a focus on feeding disorders and/or mealtime struggles - One Bite at a Time

If you are a service provider and would like to be added to this list, please email us at

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